Players Show 12 2018
Published October 10th, 2018
Words and Photography: Michal Fidowicz
5th year! It’s my 5th year attending this show now. Absolutely mind boggling. With that said I feel like I don’t need to introduce the show to you anymore as it is my 5th time photographing it and my 3rd year writing about it for Candy. I would like to go on a tangent about how the show has grown with time and I’ve seen the venue grow etc, but to be perfectly honest I can’t. I mean that in a good way, of course. From the first time I’ve attended to now, the show has been absolutely over whelming in size and has gotten endless amounts of media attention from every part of the internet – and deservingly so!
This is the one show of the year where I can attend and know I will not leave having seen everything as the amount of cars on show is beyond vast. This show is definitely special for its ability to open its doors to the general public, allowing anyone to park up in the main show area, and all without attracting utter, utter rubbish. Amongst the sea of cars, there’s some genuinely impressive builds which have grabbed my attention.
Now I will say this now, I spent a lot of time at the show not taking photos and generally enjoying the day for what it was. I know for a fact I missed out on taking photos of a lot of cool cars, so apologies for that.
One car I did not miss out on though, is Lee’s Nissan. Not even going to pretend I know a lot about Japanese cars. It’s a PS13 I know that, but I could not tell you what the kit is or anything along those lines. Thing looks really awesome though, and it’s his daily. Absolute slammer Lee is, and owns OldBoysGarage where you can find loads of more stuff like his Nissan.
Nice bit of rear fitment there.
Oh look! Is that a pin striped static E46 in Topaz Blue? Who ever owns that has great taste.
On a more serious note, this 996 is actually owned by someone with great taste. I wrote a few words on it in my Edition38 article. Link below.
Hi DewLeak.
Another ace PS13. Hopefully you understand how varied the cars on show are here at the Players Show. Something for everyone. A lot of BMWs too (I’m biased I’m sorry.)
E39 addiction intensifies. Splendid stuff all over.
Of course though, there is plenty of other interesting stuff scattered about.
Something very special about this OEM+ Mini. I don’t know, I remember seeing toy models of this exact spec all over toy shops in London when I was younger. Whoever owns this, please don’t get rid of the roof and hood stripes, you’re onto something really interesting here! Oh, and thank you for running a Candy sticker. Means a lot!
Not enough cool RX8s at UK shows. Come on people, follow this person’s lead!
Not all BMWs look better with SE bumpers, dare I say the E46 does?
A car we’ve all seen before but one that always ends up in my lens is Elliot’s E92. Something so bloody photogenic about it.
Oh yes please. This is fantastic. Both the benz above and the golf below. See what I mean? Cool cars just turn up and park up, nice and simple.
Chrome tints. Yes, very cool. Fits the whole look perfectly.
Okay now you know that I know what car you’re waiting for to pop up here. It looks like it’s been dragged out the rake, it has Sudani fitment and it’s a bloody Toyota Tercel. Yup, Josh has managed to cook up another cool creation in his dungeon. This one came with a free sex tape DVD, collection of dead spiders and mold on the steering wheel. Now, I managed to take a few cool photos of this at the end of the show when the ground cleared up. Go over to Candy’s insta to take a look at those. In the mean time, here it is below.
Lets take a look inside the hangars. Now cars here did go through an application process, and these sports were reserved for the best of the best. My personal favorite is this full on DTM spec Escort. Yes please, I will take two. Nothing like a low race car!
Pearly peach type of colour – works really well here, and with the cream interior. A less conventional colour combo, but a fine example of standing out for the right reasons.
RIP to Harvey’s 1 series. A very, very photogenic car. Onto bigger and better.
And on that note, I’ll wrap up the coverage here. Hope you enjoyed me rambling on briefly in between shows. No grand story to tell you on this write up, but a great day gandering about some fine motors with friends. What’s not to love?
Next up, Ultimate Stance in November.
Thank you for reading, see you soon!
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